20 Free Marketing Dissertation Topics with Detailed Guide

admin August 18, 2022
Updated 2022/08/18 at 7:54 PM
Marketing Dissertation Topics

The discipline of marketing is vast and fascinating. Whether you’re an undergraduate or graduate student studying marketing, there are many “gaps” in the literature that need to be filled because the area is always changing. This article offers marketing dissertation topics on which you might base your research to aid in the creation of your marketing dissertation.

Picking a Good Marketing Dissertation Topic

Finding engaging, relevant, and simple marketing dissertation topics should be your aim so that you can complete your project without difficulty and on time. You should choose a marketing dissertation topic that will prove pertinent to the body of research already done in the area.

Your assignment won’t be completed to the appropriate standard if you can’t find adequate information or data. Look closely at the gaps in the reliable scholarly literature in your discipline. Finding research gaps in the literature is difficult, thus we will assist you in locating a popular dissertation topic on which to base your assignment.

Top Marketing Dissertation Topics

Speaking about the most popular marketing dissertation topics, we may list the top five concepts that are gaining ground. We have further separated them into 20 different subjects to make it easier for you to understand the rationale behind them and the various facets you can explore to assist you to succeed with your dissertation. The subjects that will enable you to take the initiative are listed below:

Industrial Marketing Dissertation Topics

A significant concept that is pertinent to a particular category of the industry should be the focus of an excellent marketing dissertation subject. The research goal must refer to a case study or sequence of events and reflect a certain school of thinking.

  1. The most obvious difficulties businesses encounter when expanding internationally: analysis from a post-Brexit perspective.
  2. The significance of developing professional relationships by enrolling in specialised online training courses: Why is physical presence so important?
  3. Building a brand as a global business: what to know and the importance of customer pleasure.
  4. What analytical frameworks are most crucial online for analysing adaptation processes and the diversity of consumer markets?

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Brand Marketing Dissertation Topics

When developing a brand for your dissertation, you must use creativity and pay close attention to the brand’s design, message, goals, transparency, and other crucial elements.

  1. What are the main differences worth considering when dealing with developing and established businesses in terms of offering value and the high street factor?
  2. The function of word construction in communicating a brand’s message: a strategic analysis of well-known brands.
  3. How to create a profitable brand with little funding available: understanding your target market and customer relationships.
  4. Will client loyalty remain the same during the famous brand’s reconstruction if the name and logo are changed?

Digital Marketing Dissertation Topics

The usage of social media does not place any restrictions on the use of digital promotion and online advertising. The goal of digital marketing is to employ all available technology, including SEO tools and other cutting-edge strategies like smartphone targeting, to get your message across.

  1. Do consumers still read lengthy blog posts for advertising purposes, or do they prefer short, inspirational graphics?
  2. How can people become involved in a promotional project in these times of social distance? Online campaigns and their effectiveness.
  3. Accessibility is crucial: how can technology assist us in reaching the most distant corners of the globe while tackling pressing social issues?
  4. Working with law enforcement agencies to improve online security and the role of digital tools in secure transactions.

Customer Relationship Management Marketing Dissertation Topics

Because one must understand the target market and research customer markets, a successful customer connection is a key to marketing success. Consider the following when you discuss this topic in your customer relationship dissertation:

  1. How much pressure can be exerted when attempting to alter the modern consumer behaviour patterns that differ from those of society?
  2. What should global businesses entering the market know about the psychoanalytical model of the traditional customer?
  3. The benefits and drawbacks of target marketing can be seen in the usage of online shopping apps and linguistic material that tries to satisfy customers.
  4. Personalization of products: How can businesses differentiate themselves from their rivals without stealing ideas?

Social Media Marketing Dissertation Topics

When the majority of business transactions and retail purchases are made online, the significance and value of social media marketing also known as SMM for society cannot be understated. Accentuate the use of social media for shopping and influencer marketing.

  1. Discovering Twitter: Should the utilisation of microblogs serve as the basis for customer discounts and exclusive alerts?
  2. The copyright discussions on social media: what are the benefits and drawbacks of online reposting, using memes, and using graphics that are freely available online?
  3. Why should marketing professionals exercise caution when using various posts and comments on social media because of the risks associated with user-generated content?
  4. Instagram marketing: Is working with influencers a secure strategy or does it impose constraints because one becomes fixated on a certain target market?

Selecting a Topic for Marketing Dissertation

Marketing dissertation topics must be related to the central hypothesis or a chosen research target. Other factors to take into account while you select your marketing dissertation topic include:

  • Decide on your research’s goals and priorities.
  • Pick a subject that showcases your strongest qualifications and one that you are familiar with.
  • Prepare your sources thoroughly in advance of your investigation. Keep in mind to only use reputable sources after consulting the committee.
  • Make a research proposal that follows a structure-first approach.
  • Consider how ready your dissertation topic is for publishing.
  • Consider how important your topic is.
  • Set a deadline for completion and research any potential changes that can assist you in effectively targeting your marketing niche.
  • Never skip editing and proofreading your work! Maintaining a high level of readability while concentrating on structure, grammar, style, and plagiarism avoidance will help.

The topic you choose for your marketing dissertation should be original and pertinent to current difficulties or challenges that are interesting enough to warrant further investigation. Explore marketing dissertation topics that are typically not given adequate research and step outside of your comfort zone. You’ll be successful if you keep it in mind as you research and consider our marketing dissertation topics!

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